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Alaïsa Miantos

ESFP / Age: 12
Height: 137cm (4'5")

Younger sister of Taya. Very energetic, competitive

and reckless. Easy to provoke, yet cunning at times.

Respects authority, but strives for dominance.

Unlike her sister, Alaïsa isn't old enough to go adventuring on
her own, so she mostly helps out at the family's farm and
practices fighting by herself.

After an invitation was sent out to Taya by the Gamemaster to participate in the Crab Tournament 2*, Alaïsa snuck into her sister's room and stole the letter, as well as Taya's shield and the family's rapier heirloom.

Additionally, she carries around a chopping knife and a sling for throwing rocks, small objects or a few home

gunpowder bombs in emergencies.

*This was just a trick by the Gamemaster to kidnap Alaïsa, as he knew she

would do this.


Alaïsa's initial design,
with modern clothes

More drawings:

By others:

After winning the first edition of CRAB with Taya, I participated again as Alaïsa, click the picture to read her comics.

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